Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Apparition (2012)

I'll save you some time -- Don't see this movie.

I'm not picky when it comes to horror movies, I usually end up enjoying most of the ones I see, but this one was a true disappointment. Basically, there was no real back story, no understanding of the motivation behind any of the characters, horrible acting and lack of any sort of depth.

Scary movies don't need to be psychologically and intellectually stimulating, but I think they should at least have a plot!  I consider that to be the bare minimum for any decent movie.

I'm not even sure how to really describe this movie. IMDB's synopsis states "A couple is haunted by a supernatural presence that is unleashed during a college experiment." And that's truly as deep as it goes. Unless I completely missed it, the viewer never gets an explanation behind who or what the apparition is, where it came from or what it wants. The characters seem as one dimensional as cardboard cutouts, and their actions often don't make a lot of sense.

This was the worst excuse for a scary movie I have ever seen. The only truly horrifying aspect of the whole ordeal is that I will never get that hour and a half of my life back.


PG-13, 1 hr. 23 min.
Mystery & Suspense, Horror
Todd Lincoln

Nov 27, 2012
Warner Bros. Pictures